What to expect if you date: a cancer

Geplaatst op 31-01-2025

Categorie: Lifestyle

Published under copyright by Loveawake dating site. © Copyright 2024. All rights reserved.

GOOD THINGS: loyal to a fault; loves to create a soothing home environment; has a whacky, witty, and goofy sense of humor; likes to be kinky in the bedroom (or at least thinks they are kinky in the bedroom); respects tradition; close and supportive of family members, even those eccentric aunts and uncles of yours; smart and insightful, especially when it comes to politics; will engage in any sort of debate; likes to stir things up when they get too calm; knows how to throw back the booze and party like a rockstar; eerily psychic and intuitive (which can be a bad thing if you are doing something you shouldn’t be); profoundly in tune with other people’s emotions and needs; tends to be successful; and is very good with money and therefore tends to have a stable bank account.

BAD THINGS: prone to emotional imbalances; loves revenge; addictive personality, whether it be a person, job, hobby or substance (legal or otherwise); unpredictable to a frightening degree; can be overly self-righteous and dogmatic; doesn’t admit they are wrong easily, if at all; typically cocky; holds on stubbornly to their point of view; proclaims “Mission Accomplished” before the war even begins…or ends; likes to really annoy you “just for fun”; disappears for days, weeks, or months on end in what they call “hermit mode”( and what you call “out-patient therapy”); hates discussing their OWN emotions for fearing of coming off as too vulnerable and weak; loves pointing out YOUR vulnerabilities and weaknesses; tendency to have weak digestive systems, thereby causing significant health issues and food aversions, not to mention significant weight gain in the stomach area as they age; notable decrease in their sex drive with age.

DATE THEM IF YOU: want a mother who will love and scold you, or a father who will spoil and discipline you, simultaneously; need a comforting atmosphere to go home to at night, lit with candles and filled with soft pillows; enjoy dating someone who disappears for uncertain quantities of time and comes back oddly rejuvenated; can handle being with someone who is a know-it-all; love politics and enjoy talking about history and current events; enjoy New Age concepts and beliefs; want/need someone who is financially frugal and secure—Cancers always have money stashed away for any type of weather day!



Cancers are an interesting breed.  At their worst, they can BE a cancer in your life—eating away at the things you love and value most.  Cancers are not afraid to tell you that you are wrong, or that they are right.  They don’t back down from a debate once they are engaged (I say “once” because Cancers, in general, avoid confrontation if they can help it) and they aren’t afraid to go for the jugular, either.  They come equipped with sharp claws when they are in battle mode.  But, there is a plus side to this nasty little crustacean.  They use those claws to defend their family, friends, and loved ones…to a fault.  Cancers are loyal, even when the people in their life doesn’t necessarily deserve it.  They care about tradition, respect values, and honor the system.  Many Cancers will be found in all levels and rank of government and military, constantly working to serve a higher good.

Like a crab, they move sideways in the sand, never forward.  Or, more accurately, never in the “obvious” direction.  This is when they succeed—when they can surprise their opponent or shock their enemies.

If you are lucky to have earned the trust and loyalty of a Cancer, you will always be protected and cared for, which is a nice feeling in this crazy world.  They will amuse you with their eccentric humor and quirky comments, and they will surely always be an interesting addition to any party you host.

In their early years, Cancers are flighty in love and prefer to play the field.  They don’t want to be tied down to commitment because they know they give themselves too much to those they love, and they aren’t ready to lose that selfish side yet.  As they grow older, and realize how important their actions are, and the consequences that are attached to them, they mature into wonderful, wise human beings whom you are happy to grow old with.  However, if you take advantage of your Cancer, or use their generosity for your own rewards, watch out.  Over the years, they will take mental inventory of all the wrong you have inflicted on them, and one day, when you least expect it—SNAP!